Active Transparent Hand Wash Liquid 3750gr

Weight: 3750 gr

Active Pearl hand washing liquid contains soy protein with a new formulation that has desirable cleaning and softening power and it brings a special freshness to the skin of your hands and prevents it from drying.



Active Pearl hand washing liquid contains soy protein with a new formulation that has desirable cleaning and softening power and it brings a special freshness to the skin of your hands and prevents it from drying.

Type: liquid

Aroma: popular perfumes

Color: violet, red, white

Size: 3750 gr

Number in box: 12 bottles

Options: Soy protein, Shelly, Vitamin E, Aromatic

Active Pearl hand washing liquid contains soy protein with a new formulation that has desirable cleaning and softening power and it brings a special freshness to the skin of your hands and prevents it from drying. The lecithin available in soybeans increases the elasticity of the skin and ultimately prevents wrinkling of the skin of the hands. Soy protein also contains vitamin E and helps maintain the moisture and softness of the skin.


Disinfecting, washing and softening hand skin

Product Features and Strengths

Best recent essential oils are used in the production of Active Hand Wash Liquids. This is considered a significant advantage of Active products in comparison with products of other competitors on the market.

  • Ease of rinsing
  • For normal and oily skins
  • A pleasant fragrance
  • Hand softness and smoothness

It is recommended to wet your hands with water first and then pump the hand wash liquid 1 or 2 times depending on contamination on your hands. Rub your hands to clean all surfaces and then rinse.


Avoid direct contact with eyes. In the case of contact, rinse your eyes with plenty of cold water.